Monday, September 8, 2008

Nothing has really changed

So nothing has really changed for my graduation project. I still like my current idea, but I'm waiting for someone to tell me that I can't do that. In the mean time though, and this is if I can still work on my current idea, I have figured out a way to incoperate my Gold Award Project with my graduation project.

I was told by someone, I'm not really sure who (I know it was Shannon or Alyssa) told me that we couldn't use our Gold Award as our graduation project which is understandable since we're working on it as a group. BUT, we all have individual parts to our projects and I'm planning on using part of my individual part for my project. I'm not quite sure yet how it is going to work, but I know that I have to talk to the librarian at my public library that's in charge or the activities for the kids and teens. I'm planning on talking to her tonight, but I know I'm going to have to talk to her a lot after that.

I don't know. It was a library and it had to do with books. I know I'll have to incorporate stuff from my project, (graduation,) so that it counts and everything but other than that, I really don't know.

Um, for not having much to say, I said a lot, but I think that's about it.

1 comment:

L. Savido said...

I don't quite understand your thoughts about the Gold Award - what is it? Please explain, maybe I will be better able to comment on your confusion.
- Mrs. Savido